Be An Entrepreneur

Working for someone to earn your bread and butter is one of the simpler ways of earning them. Let it be as an engineer in a reputed multi national firm or as a cashier in a small jewelry shop. You rest assured of the monthly salary on every month end. Although, one can’t say its a cake walk as every job has its own challenges. Being a worker or an employee is like you are part of a huge tree which has firm roots in the ground, which is capable of surviving you despite you do not really have a greater role to play towards its growth and development. You could be its branch or a leaf or a fruit or its ever changing bark. But, essentially every part has its unique role to play and has an importance in keeping​ the tree protected and keep it growing.

But, on the other hand, working and earning for yourself is quite challenging and involves lot of uncertainties.  Being an Entrepreneur is like being someone who seeds the idea of planting a tree; nurtures it to make it a sapling, to a plant and then into a fruitful tree.  He works hard, patiently and persistently, to make the seed grow into a fruitful tree. With no assurance of when and how much he is going to get paid for his hard-work he continues to strive really hard to protect and nurture the young growing sapling into a  tree till it starts bearing fruits.

Being an Entrepreneur is a way of life which is defined and characterized by getting yourself out of that comfort zone and setting yourself up for the sail, setting yourself free from a caged frame of mind, helping yourself realize your true potential, giving yourself a chance to explore yourself; an out of the pit thinking.

So, what are you waiting for..!! Grow a tree for yourself, I have planted mine. When are you planting one for yourself..??




7 thoughts on “Be An Entrepreneur

  1. Yes. Being an entrepreneur is a good idea in a country like India where many of the firms are directed towards service instead of products. More and more entrepreneurs can eventually change the shape of Indian economy and can work for a better society in a long run. Nice post and keep writing.

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